Monetization Policy

All publishers are required to comply with the Metaconex Publisher Policies. Therefore, please read these policies carefully. If you do not comply with these policies without Metaconex's permission, we reserve the right to disable ad serving to your site and/or disable your Metaconex account at any time. If your account is disabled, you will not be eligible to continue participating in the partner program with Metaconex.

Because we may change our policies at any time, please return to this page regularly for updates. According to our Online Terms and Conditions, it is your responsibility to update and comply with the policies posted here. Exceptions to these policies are only permitted with Metaconex’ agreement.

Publishers may place Metaconex ad code on pages with content restricted based on the Metaconex’s publisher restrictions regulations, although this content will likely get fewer advertisements than other unrestricted contents.

1. Traffic source

Sites on the Metaconex foundation and including sites that place Metaconex ad code cannot get traffic from some certain sources. For example, publishers are not allowed to participate in pay-to-click programs, send spam emails, or display advertisements generated by any software application. In addition, publishers using online advertising must ensure that their pages comply with the Metaconex Site Quality Guidelines.

To ensure a positive experience for Internet users and Metaconex advertisers, sites that display Metaconex advertisements must not:

  • Use third-party services to generate clicks or impressions, such as pay-to-click, pay-to-surf, autosurf, and click-exchange programs.
  • Promoted through mass email or unwanted advertising on third party’s websites.
  • Display Metaconex ads generated by software applications, such as toolbars.
  • Loaded with any software that may trigger pop-ups, redirect users to unwanted web pages, modify browser settings, or interfere with web page navigation . It is your duty to ensure that no ad network or affiliate uses such methods to drive traffic to pages containing your Metaconex ads.

2. Invalid clicks and impressions

Publishers are not allowed to click on their own ads or from landing pages on the Metaconex foundation served through their own accounts or use any method to unnaturally increase impressions and/or clicks, including manual methods.

Metaconex ad clicks must come from genuine user interest. Any method of generating unusual clicks or impressions on Metaconex ads is strictly prohibited. These prohibited methods include, but are not limited to repetitive manual clicks or impressions, automated click and impression generator tools, and the use of robots or phishing software. Once again, please carefully note that you are strictly prohibited from clicking on your own ads for any reason.

3. Incentivize ads browsing (non-rewarded inventory)

With the exception of rewarded inventory, publishers cannot ask others to click or view their ads or implement false methods to obtain clicks or views. This includes, but is not limited to - offering pay to users, promising to donate money to third parties to ask them to view ads or search, or placing images next to individual ads. .

4. Advertisement placement

Publishers should experiment with a diversity of ad placements and formats. However, publishers must not place Metaconex ad code in inappropriate places such as: pop-ups, emails, or software. Publishers must also follow the policy for each advertised product. Please see the article of our ad placement policy for more information.

Metaconex ads cannot be:

  • Integrated into any software application.
  • Placed it inside an email or on a page where the email content is the central focus.
  • Placed on pages where auto-generated content (such as live chat, instant messaging, or auto-refreshing comments) is the main focus.
  • Placed on any non-content-based page.
  • Placed on published pages for the purpose of displaying advertisements.
  • Placed on pages with content or URLs that can make users get the wrong content or URLs associated with Metaconex because of incorrect use of symbols, trademarks or other brand features.
  • Placed on pages with content displayed in frames. In-frame content display is when a website or application displays another person's web page in a frame or window without the permission of the content owner.
  • Placed video player overlay with/without close button.
  • Placed fake video player overlay with/without a close button.
  • Placed site content overlay.
  • Placed invisible in a transparent layer.
  • Placed hidden in a transparent layer that overlays video players with/without a close button.
  • Placed under hidden links that automatically send users to Metaconex advertiser landing pages.
  • Placed automatic page redirection without user action.
  • Placed in a location that could generate a large number of involuntary and/or phishing clicks.
  • Placing on sites containing illegal downloading of files, videos, programs, games, etc,..related  to streaming sites, torrents, etc...
  • Placed on floating blocks which scroll with page scrolling and/or displayed on a content web page without a close button.
  • Place a click-through or misleading title at the top of the ad (e.g. Double click (2х) to close, Click to download, Click to watch video, Click ad, Check our Sponsors , Please click the ad to support this site).
  • Placed with an arrow or other icon pointing to ad position.
  • Placed to auto-redirect or auto-reload the page.

5. The way of website works

Websites containing Metaconex ads are not coded to redirect quality content which is directed to the audience. Sites that display Metaconex ads should be easy to navigate. Sites must not change user preferences, redirect users to undesirable websites, perform downloads, contain malware, or interfere with pop-ups or pop-downs on web site navigation.

6. Redirect to deceiving site

Publishers must not use deceptive ways to place ads in a manner that could confuse menus, navigation bars, or download links in order to get clicks or views. Remember that it is each publisher's responsibility to comply with the ad placement policy when implementing ads.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Mistaken statements about streaming or downloading content
  • Behavior of linking to non-existent content
  • Behavior that redirects users to unrelated or misperceive websites
  • Other types of navigation designed to intentionally mislead users
  • Pages where ads are set up in clear locations for navigation.

7. Payment Schedule

All payments are issued once a month according to the NET 30 payment terms. This means that your last month's earnings will be paid by the end of the current month, approximately on the 30-the day of the month. When the request has the Approved/Paid status, allow 1-3 business days for the payment to arrive. If the payout date falls on a weekend, the payment will be processed on the next business day. You will receive an email notification once the payment is sent. If the pay date occurs on a weekend, then the payment will be processed on the next business day. You will receive an email notification once the payment is sent. For example, January revenue will be transferred on February 30 but if August 30 is Saturday or Sunday, the payment will be delayed till Monday. The Pending status means the payment is reviewed and approved before the 28th day of the month.